InicioMy WebLinkAcerca deT N newsOFFICE OF THE VFHACA DAILY NEWS 126 South Tioga Street, Ithaca, N. Y. State of ew York, mpkins County, ss.: __ _ _____ d' -being duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides in Ithaca, County and State a or,said, and that he is ----------- f the "ITHACA DAILY NEWS," a public newspaper printed and published in Ithaca aforesaid, and that a notice, of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in said paper______ ____ ________________ in each week for ---- -----------successive weeks, and that the first publication of said notice was on the - A -1 --"--------------------------- --- n day of - -- - ----------- 19/�i- Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of = '--------------------- 19 �— r Notary Public. NOTICE. To the owners and all .other nersents in any manner interested in any and all of the real estate over which the right of way is required -where the boundariesate of the... proposed Ithaca -Newfield Highway, in the Town of Ithaca, in the -Town of__, ZQewfleld, _Tompkins County, New York, devlatefrom the existing highway, and in the lands hereinafter de- scribed: Notice is hereby given that at a Term of the Comity Court of the County of Tompkins to be held at the Chambers of the County Judge in the City of Ithaca, INT, Y. on the 19th day of June, 1912, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, that the -visors of Coun- ty, rd New York, will present appetiti nkins o for the appointment of three commissioners of appraisal to ascertain and determine the compensation to be made to the owners and all other persons in any manner interested in any and all the heal estate hereinafter described re- quired to be taken for the improvement of the hignway designated as the Ithaca - Newfield State Highway, in the Town of Ithaca and the Town of Newfield, Tompkins County, New York, where it deviates from the boundaries of the ex- isting highway, under the provisions of. Chapter 30 of the Laws of 1909 constitut- ing Chapter 25 of the Consolidated Laws and under Chapter 531 of the Laws of 11911, and the acts amendatory thereof 'i or supplementary thereto. PARCEL NO. 1. Land to be acquired from Joseph Hughes. All that piece orparcel situated in the Town of Ithaca, County of Tomp kins, State of New York, for the Ithaca - Newfield State Highway described as fol lows: Beginning at a point on the westerly boundary of the existing Ithaca- ewfield Highway at the intersection of e said boundary with the division line tween the lands of George Williams, puted owner, on the e,+st, and the, lands f Joseph Hughes, reputed owner, -6n he west, said point being 20 feet dis- nt southerly measured at right angles from sta. 41 and 85 D. of the surrey jbase line of the proposed Ithaca -Newfield ;State Highway, route number 39A. sec, and 14 feet distant southerly meas- ured radially from the hereinafter de- scribed center line of the said proposed State Highway, thence along said divis- ion line north 29 degrees 32 minutes W. 32 ft. to a point 12 ft. distant northerly measured at right angles from sta. 41 and 85D of the said base line; thenc9 south 48 degrees 0 minutes W. 223 It. to a point 34 feet distant northerly m as -=t ured at right angles from sta. 44 and OOE of the said base line, thence soatb 38 degrees 15 minutes W. 300 ft. to $€{ ipoint `19 feet distant northerly measure.3 at right angles from sta. 47 and OOE of the said base line; thence parallel to saidcenter line 390 ft. to a point on th61 northerly boundary of said existing Highway to the last mentioned point Ing 6 ft. distant southerly measure right angles from sta. 50 and 93 ,the said base line and 16 ft* distu*i northerly measured radially from ih ' said center line ; thence easterly a, the northerly boundary of the said isting Highway 130 ft. more or less point 43 ft. distant southerly meas at right angles from sta. 49 and 73 the said base line thence parallel r to ce- ter line 290 ft, to a point 21 ft. distant southerly measured at right angles ficin (sta,. 47 and 00 E of the said Base lire; thence north 43 degrees 45 minute r'. 1235 ft. to a point 33 ft. distant southerly measured at right angles from sta. 14 and 64 E. of the said base line; the*oe north 38 degrees 45 minutes E. 273 ft. to the point of beginning: being 0.93 acres more or less. The above mentioned c n - ter line is a portion of the Ithaca -I field State 131ghway, route No. 39A c, No. as shown on the map on file '.n the office of the Clerk of Tomphc 08 County and is described as follows Beginning at a point at sta. 40 and ')0 D. of the said base line; thence south 60 degrees 28 minutes W. 100 ft, more or less; thence curving to the left with a radius of 573 ft. 200 ft more or less $ thence tangent to said curve south 40 degrees 58 minutes W. 535 ft, more of less; thence curving to the right with a - radius of 368 ft. 290 ft. more or less j thence tangent to said. curve sc�,ltb. 86 del gree. 5 minutes W. 220 ft, more or lest to a point 17 ft. distant southerly peas* ured at right angles from sta, 55 and 00 of the said 1�aee line. PARCEL NO. 2. Land to be acquired from David Ar Stewart and Olin L. Stewart. All that piece or parcel of land sit, uated in the Town of Newfleld, County of Tompkins, State of. New York, for thug Ithaca -Newfield State Highway and de, scribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerlsf boundary of the existing Ithaca -Newfield Highway at the intersection of the said boundary with the division line between the lands of D. B. Stewart and O. L, Stewart reputed owners, on the wesi and the lands of Fred Dean reputed own, er on the east, said point being 5 ft. dls- tant northwesterly measured at righl angles from sta. 186 and 77 G. of th9 survey base line of the proposed Ithaca - Newfield State Highway Route No. 59.A sec. No. and 15 ft, distant south: easterly measured radially from the hereinafter described renter line of th said proposed State Highway; thenc4 south 39 degrees 23 minutes west 323 ft. to a point 24 ft. distant southeasterly measured at right angles from ata: 19a and 00 G. of the said base line; thence south 41 degrees 53 minutes W. 615 ft. to a point on the division line between the lands of William Starr reputed owan� er, on the west and the lands of D. B, Stewart:_ and 0. L. Stewart reputed own• ers on the east the last mentioned point being 54 ft. distant southeasterly meas- ured at right angles from sta. 196 &rA 16 G. of the said. base line; then.ca along the said division line north 4 de- grees 0 minutes E. 53 ft. to a point 19 feet distant southeasterly measured al right: angles from sta. 195 and 76 G. of the said base line and 18 ft. distant northwesterly measured at right angles from the said center line, thence north 39 degrees 28 minutes E. 718 ft, to a point on the southerly boundary of th4 said existing Highway. The last men- tioned point being 43 ft. distant north- westerly measured at right angles from sta. 188 and 60 G. and 24 ft. distant northwesterly measured radially from the .said center line thence southeasterl3� t along the southerly boundary of the said existing Highway 18q ft. more or les, to the point of beginning: being 0:88 acres more or less. Toe above mentioned center line is a i portion of the center of the said pro- posed Ithaca -Newfield State Highway Route No. 39A sec: No. as shown on a map on file in the office of the Clerk of Tompkins County anclM1is described as follows: BeOmmng at a point 6 ft. distant